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Our first gathering of the new year is this week – Wednesday, January 21st at 7:00 PM at Mark and Brenda Royce’s home at 1726 El Paso in Clovis.

TOPIC: The End of Myth

PREPARATION: Please read http://www.emergentvillage.com/weblog/the-end-of-myth AND http://blog.beliefnet.com/tonyjones/2009/01/who-decides-orthodoxy.html – come with thoughts

RSVP: If you can join us this month please send me an email back with how many people you are brining.

SNACKS: We need a few people to bring some snacks.

CARPOOL: Who wants a ride?

Hope to see you next Wednesday night.

Tom & Bet

For any questions please contact Tom at 559-457-8110 (new mobile #) or t.cotter@sbcglobal.net.